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  • 3 Creative Concepts to Try TODAY

3 Creative Concepts to Try TODAY

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 25 seconds.

Happy Monday! It’s time for another Nice Ads. Strap in and let’s get started.

Each week I break down 3 ads to help you make better creative today - This week we have creative from Harry’s, RYZE and Ethique. Let’s go.

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I speak a lot about sales psychology and what we can include in our ads to help our sales. Well, this static from Harry’s is the perfect example of a power sales psychology technique.

Price anchoring!

If you present someone with a more expensive option first then when you show your price it seems much more reasonable. Why? Because you’ve anchored the price high and the only way is down.

That’s just what Harry’s has done here. They’ve created a simple comparison graphic to demonstrate that the household names are giving you the same as Harry’s but for a much higher price tag! Making it a no-brainer to go for the $16 option over the $40. It’s an offer so good you’d feel stupid saying no.

This is how powerful a good offer can be when presented properly - It makes the customer feel like you are the only option. Pair that with the “Are you getting ripped off” copy and you very quickly make a villain out of big companies and further push the offer. Genius.

Love this static.

RYZE Superfoods

Before we get started - Go watch this advert in full. Then come back, please.

Right, you watched it? Straight off the bat, the creative itself isn’t great - BUT the concept is golden. “Things you need to start doing in your 30s to feel your best in your 90s”. What a great idea!! However, this creator is not 90 😂 feels a little like an insult.

But anyway - The expert angle is so great for health and wellness brands and often when we’re looking to make one of these ads our minds go directly to an expert like a doctor etc. But what about an expert in life like someone older? Someone that has been there and done it. We all go to our parents for advice, so why wouldn't we listen to them in an ad creative?

It’s often a hard task to find an older creator - But when you do they can get great results. Or train up your family! Even better idea.

At the end of the day, you can take any concept and make it 10x better by just thinking outside the box!

If you care about building ads that bring sky-high ROAS, you’ll want to steal secrets from Dara Denney’s virtual live series in partnership with Motion.

Dara Denney is the performance creative expert who has managed over $100M in paid spend using her personal creative strategy framework.

Now, she’s revealing her exclusive blueprint showing the process and tactics that help her consistently deliver conversions. Save your spot to learn:

  • How to use analytics in day-to-day creative decision making

  • The four key components of creative research

  • Top trends that are working in 2023 and why

  • How to hire and build a high-performing creative team

Over 3.8K people have already signed up to join these training sessions and receive Dara’s exclusive resources. Save your spot to attend her next session.

Once you register, you'll get access to all the replays, bonus resources, and Dara's free templates helping you conduct competitor research, brief creative teams, and build high-converting ads.


I love this static - I saw it and had to show you. It’s pretty smart - They’re using a standard callout template. But instead of calling out USPs, they’re calling out use cases! What a brilliant idea.

This is a great example of taking a well-performing concept and putting your own spin on it. So many of the call-out ads I see are just listing out the USPs or ingredients. But does the customer really care about that? Maybe not.

What they care about is how they can use the product to improve their lives. Showing the customer that they only need one product for 4 things is a great angle.

Again, think outside the box. Keep things nice and simple.

The best part? You could make this yourself today in under 5 minutes with one of my templates in Creative OS. 10% discount with code ‘NICEADS’ 👀. Get on it - I promise it’ll make your life easier.

That’s your lot for this week - As always thanks for reading and taking the time out of your day. I’ll see you next week ✌️

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