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Ad Creative Ideas for Digital Products

Happy Monday Nice Ads team! It’s time to break down another 3 ad creatives and see what we can learn from them.

This week we have ads from Descript, TINCTURE and The Milk Road. Let’s get going.

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It’s often hard to advertise a digital product and I get a lot of emails from people asking if I’d break down some in Nice ads. Well, here you go! Here’s the first one ever from Descript.

Make sure you watch the full advert here before reading the breakdown - But what we have is a standard product showcase video. Similar to what we’d see in ecom. The presenter is walking you through the app and how to use it for editing a TikTok. It’s a use case people can relate to and so the advert is very watchable - This leads to high retention and so great data!

The advert also feels native because of the greenscreen style we’re so used to seeing on TikTok. Add in the podcast format and It feels like an organic piece of content.

The most important thing to remember when making an advert for a digital product or software is that people want to see what they get without having to do much research. That’s why a lot of game adverts will show you play footage and a lot of digital products will display what comes with your purchase. You're lowering the amount of work that the consumer has to do to see how your product works and how it can benefit them.


I often speak about how one of the best static ads that you can run right now is a call-out ad, where you simply pair a product image with simple call-out text that displays your USPS. These are proven to be really powerful on Meta right now. However, another really popular type of static ad is an ‘Us versus Them”. So why not combine both of them 🤷‍♂️

Take a photo of your product next to its main competitor and then use those text call-out graphics to display the main selling points that your product has against your competitor.

It's really simple and combines two super-powerful static ad styles together. Definitely worth giving it a try if you have a product that’s competing against a household name in a competitive niche.

I'm a big fan of this ad style but I think this particular example needs a little bit of work to make it stand out from the feed and become more clickable. I’m also unsure as to why both products are facing the wrong way… I’d love to know the reasoning behind this 😅

All top-performing DTC ads have one thing in common, they include UGC! 🎬

But most brands are unable to get UGC at scale, which is actually licensed for use across paid channels.

Enter: minisocial, a user-generated content platform that pairs brand sup with micro-influencer creatives who produce scroll-stopping UGC that you can take and plug-in across ALL your marketing channels.

Brands like Huel, Care/of, Harry's, Imperfect Foods, and Native all turn to minisocial when they need UGC-style content for their marketing channels.

minisocial's campaigns are accessibly priced (starting at $1.7k thanks to your Nice Ads discount 😉) and as a fully-managed platform they take all the stress away and allow you to get started in only 10 minutes

The Milk Road

I've seen a whole lot of ads like this recently and this is probably one of the best examples so far so I wanted to share it with you.

It couldn't be any simpler. A screenshot of the Apple Notes app. It even still has the time and signal bar at the top 😂 but before you start to think that this is just really lazy advertising it's actually pretty clever.

The first and most important reason why I think this advert was created in this style is that it allows the consumer to level with the brand. You feel you feel like your being sent this by your friend and it’s some insider information you shouldn’t know about. And that's exactly what the Milky Road Newsletter is. Insider information about Crypto. So this is the perfect way to advertise it.

It's also so familiar. I'm guessing that everyone reading this has written something in the Apple note app before. So why wouldn't you pay attention to a screenshot of it on social - It feels like you almost have to.

There are right ways and wrong ways to do ads like this and this is certainly the right way. Keep it native, make it stand out with different text styles and just keep it nice and simple.

That’s it for this week’s Nice Ads! Thanks again for reading, it’s always nice to have you.

Hopefully, you’ve learnt something new that you can implement during this week ahead. I’ll see you soon.

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