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Ad Creative strategies for insiders only 👀

Find out how Gymshark are making great ads.

Happy Monday Nice Ads team! And Happy December 🎅. The festive season is here and we're excited to bring you some holiday-themed ads in the next few weeks as brands start to make them live. But until then, I've picked out 3 killer ads you can learn from.

We're well over 3K subscribers now so massive thanks so everyone who's taken the time to read over the few months we've been writing.

Let's get into it!



This week's first creative comes from the king of activewear, Gymshark. I chose this for a few reasons. The first is the simplicity of the creative, a quick-cut montage of an in-shape girl wearing different styles of gym clothing that you can get from Gymshark in their Black Friday sale. Easy! You have a sale on, so show the items on sale being worn by your target customer. No need to complicate it, keep it simple as we always say.

But one of the other reasons I picked this was an editing method they've used that often gets forgotten about. Editing to the beat. If you go ahead and watch the full video you'll be able to hear the soundtrack and you'll quickly understand what I'm talking about.

Gymshark has used an editing technique that is often used in music videos to capture attention. They've edited each cut to the beat of the music. It's a really simple way to help gel your music and visuals together and since we all listen to TikToks on full blast, it won't go unnoticed. Your music can be so much more than just something to kill the awkward silence, it can be a tool to grab attention and make your video feel more put together.

If you're adding music to your ad creative then give this ago and you'll be surprised how different the entire video feels.

Jack Health

Jack Health

Let's chat about Emojis. Love them or hate them, they're are one of the number 1 ways we communicate on social media and between our friends. They're just fun 🤷‍♂️ But how often do you use them in your ad creative? Maybe not enough.

At Fraggell we've been testing using them in our ad creative for our clients and we've actually found they can make a big difference. That's why I wanted to show you this static from Jack Health. It's a great example of how you can use Emojis to make your ads feel more friendly and relatable. Balding is a tough subject, so displaying it in a more casual way can really help win that click.

Using Emojis overall makes your creative a little easier to engage with, it makes you feel more approachable and less like a brand advertising on social. It might not seem like a big change, but small efforts like this can go a long way in making your ad creative perform better on platforms like Meta.

Give it a try.

Sponsored by Minisocial

All top-performing DTC ads have one thing in common, they include UGC! 🎬

But most brands are unable to get UGC at scale, which is actually licensed for use across paid channels.

Enter: minisocial, a user-generated content platform that pairs brand sup with micro-influencer creatives who produce scroll-stopping UGC that you can take and plug in across ALL your marketing channels.

Brands like Huel, Care/of, Harry's, Imperfect Foods, and Native all turn to minisocial when they need UGC-style content for their marketing channels.

minisocial's campaigns are accessibly priced (starting at $1.7k thanks to your Nice Ads discount 😉) and as a fully-managed platform they take all the stress away and allow you to get started in only 10 minutes

OYO Skincare

OYO Skincare

Some products are riskier to advertise than others on social. When their rules are so strict on showing skin, it can be very hard to make ad creative that promotes products that need to be shown ON bare skin. That's why I wanted to showcase this ad creative from OYO. OYO is a skincare brand helping women take care of their intimate areas and treat painful bumps, pesky ingrowns, and uncomfortable irritations down there 👇 So I'm sure you can see why it could be hard for them to get creative accepted. But I think they do a great job of creating ads that display the product in a tasteful way that doesn't get Facebook angry.

The above creative has a great hook. It's conversational and gives people a reason to stop, watch and naturally find out about the product. The video goes on to review the creams while displaying how it's used and the core benefits, with a clear voice-over that help people follow the narrative. The language used by the creator is also very friendly and 'cutesy' helping people relate to the video and see the product in a none sexual way. Super important when advertising a female cosmetic product.

Be sure to watch this one in full and all the tricks they pull to ensure the Facebook police don't shut them down 😂

That's all for Nice Ads this week. If you enjoyed this then be sure to forward it to a friend or refer them to the newsletter using the link below.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter if you don't already and I'll see you next week ✌️

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Get 15% off today and book a call.

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • Triple Whale - We all need good attribution and we all love whales. Accurate data, all in one place. Get 10% off with code 'FRAGGELL'

  • AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Over 4000 fast-growing brands are analyzed every week. Use code 'FRAGGELL' for $100 off

  • Hypefury - Your personal assistant to grow & monetize your Twitter audience. Sign up today

  • Pencil - Use AI to generate unlimited, winning ad creatives in no time at all. Sign up here.


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