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  • Ad creative that turns a NEED into a WANT

Ad creative that turns a NEED into a WANT

3 of the best adverts to grace my feed!

Hello! Hannah here, taking over from Fraser for the week, showing you the adverts that I've spotted recently that have really caught my eye!

The cold weather and dark nights are slowly starting to creep in, so I though I'd choose ads with a happy, cleansing colour palette πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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There is just something about this advert that is so pleasing to look at! It's such a simple concept but works so well on the feed. Aesthetic-looking ads like this can work perfectly just because it's great to admire. The water droplets, the sunlight, it's all just 🀌🏼🀌🏼🀌🏼.

What uklash have perfected is creating a static image that points out all the benefits of the product without over complicating it. Because lets be honest, micellar water isn't the most exciting product for us to purchase. Adding callouts to a beautiful image like this highlights what the brand has to offer, and means potential consumers can see what sets you apart from the rest.

Your USPs are your best friend - don't be afraid to use them in your creative.


It's probably something a lot of brand struggles with. How can we catch your attention, when our product solves a problem you wish you didn't have to deal with?

Modibodi has really hit the nail on the head with this piece of creative. The search box layout answers an important question while offering suggestions for the product that fits best your needs.

What is really smart though is how the static social ad feels like a quiz. Are you a Buzzfeed fan like me? Because this ad feels just like that - it's relatable and hits just the right target market. It means people will study the ad to see which panty would be the right fit for them depending on their type of flow. Not only that, but it also shows the range of products that are available from the brand.

Modibodi has somehow made having a period sound fun.

Sponsored by Minisocial

All top-performing DTC ads have one thing in common, they include UGC! 🎬

But most brands are unable to get UGC at scale, that is actually licensed for use across paid channels.

Enter: minisocial, a user-generated content platform that pairs brand sup with micro-influencer creatives who produce scroll-stopping UGC that you can take and plug-in across ALL your marketing channels.

Brands like Huel, Care/of, Harry's, Imperfect Foods, and Native all turn to minisocial when they need UGC-style content for their marketing channels.

minisocial's campaigns are accessibly priced (starting at $1.7k thanks to your Nice Ads discount πŸ˜‰) and as a fully-managed platform they take all the stress away and allow you to get started in only 10 minutes

Absolute Collagen

There's no denying that the world can be a pretty bleak place. And even worse, many of us will head to social media for positivity, only to be met with a plethora of posts that make us feel worse than we did before.

This is why this creative is fantastic.

It's true what they say, seeing someone smile can brighten up your day. And this is what Absolute Collagen have reminded us all. Fun and exciting adverts like this can stop the scroll immediately. Not every brand can pull this off without it looking overly cheesy and fake.

The viewer will continue to watch, with the brand showcasing that they sell 'one every 36 seconds'. The brand manages to tick all the boxes, providing information that would interest the consumer further, while also providing creative that breaks up all the marriage proposals and new home posts we see on Facebook (I swear I'm not bitter at all).

And best of all? Lifestyle content like this isn't super difficult to create. All you need is a location and an actor and let the magic begin!

πŸ‘‰ View the full advert here.

I'm hoping you liked seeing my chosen ads of the week! We'll be back next week with another 3 creatives to look at!

Have an amazing rest of the week and I'll see you soon πŸ‘‹

You can also view all the past ads we've covered here.

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AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Each week they analyze over 4000 fast-growing brands every week to find the best adverts to help give you inspiration.


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