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  • Aesthetically Pleasing Ads to Seal This Week 👀

Aesthetically Pleasing Ads to Seal This Week 👀

Running low on creative ideas? We can fix that.

Sup pals 👊 Fraser here back with some ad creative inspiration to start your week.

Big thanks to Alexa for last week's kick-ass episode. There are almost 400 of you already, massive thanks for that! It's brilliant to know so many of you trust me to give you tips and tricks.

Anyway, let's get started.



So many reasons why I love this creative. The first one is how simple it feels. Bringing in a range of products and then using stop motion to unpack them. Easy.

Aesthetically it ticks so many boxes for me. The long shadows are 😍 and the clean white background is bliss. LOVE IT.

This is a scroll stopper for a longer product showcase video, so be sure to watch the full video. But I think it would do a great job at stopping the thumb on Instagram for example. Why? The packaging is nice and clean and the long shadows draw the eye to the product.

Best part? This is super easy to do. You can shoot this on your iPhone with no problem, in fact, I think this may have been filmed on an iPhone already.



I LOVE the creative Vitl make. It's always so clean and nice to look at. They have a great mix of clinical and fun with the pop of yellow. This is how you create great branding for a medical brand.

But this static is 🔥 it tells you what the product is in a simple and effective way and also shows you the product allowing the customer to see it's not complicated and nothing to be scared of. Killing off the main objection viewers will have after seeing 'Cholesterol Test'

With products like this, it's so important to be upfront and knock down those objections early on with your ad creative. Using unboxing content is a brilliant, easy way to do that.

Loops Beauty

Loops Beauty

UGC Mash-ups are SO GOOD. I spoke a little about this in last week's Nice ads, but reusing your content and making UGC mashup ads is such a good way to make killer video ads.

We make a lot of these at Fraggell and thanks to our clever systems we can do them at scale. UGC mashups allow you to test LOTS of variations really quickly.

So many reasons why this video will convert, but the most important is the shock factor. People will be scrolling see the product and be like 'what is on her face, she looks like Dwight in the CPR scene'. AND THAT'S WHY IT WORKS.

The product by its very nature will get people to stop. Pair that with lots of customers trying it and saying why it's perfect is a recipe for a perfect ad.

Honestly, if you need some fast creative - Go create a UGC makeup. They work wonders on Facebook and Instagram. Watch this advert in full here.

Alrighty! That's your lot. Thanks for checking in again and being a part of the Nice Ads crew.

Alexa is back next week!

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Until next time - Go follow me on Twitter and I'll see you soon 👋


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