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Breaking down my top 3 ads this week

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 34 seconds.

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Welcome back to Nice Ads - The best ad creative newsletter in the world (In my opinion)

This week, I’ve got a few ad creatives to show you, including one that uses a format I’ve never seen before. So let’s get started.

Did you know we have a premium version of Nice Ads? Each week I give you 3 Canva templates based on winning ad creative for you to alter and run in your account. One of my friend’s brands lowered their CPA by 30% after using a template I gave them - Try it for yourself.


I keep saying this, but Olipop has some of the best ad creatives in the CPG space. This stuff looks so damn good. I’ve noticed a ton of creatives like this in their account recently, and we’ve tried something similar and seen great results.

I call it - The elevated static.

Step 1 - Create a killer static ad with stunning product imagery and an eye-catching headline.

Step 2 - Bring it to life with some subtle animation, like the example above. It’s only small, but it takes the ad to a new level.

These work so well on story placements because, unlike a standard image, they stop the scroll; people pause to look at what’s going on and then read the information. It also helps push the creative further up the funnel because statics often sit lower than videos. You can also take advantage of the lower CPMs that come with videos.

It’s an all-round winning idea - It helps if you have excellent product images you can use. But it’s something your video and graphic team can put together in an afternoon. Then, make a few variations using different images and headlines, and test them all against each other in a dynamic adset and happy days.

Small short creatives like this can become money-printing machines if you hit the formula right.


If you’ve not heard or seen Kizik before, then you need to go check them out. They make shoes that just slip on—no hands needed. The selling point is fantastic, and that’s what this entire creative is about—using that USP to mop up those last few sales.

Hardly ever are you going to get a random person to purchase the first time they see one of your ads. Instead, it’s your job to follow them around the internet, reminding them that you’re there and have a product they want. It’s creative like this that you need to make for that purpose.

Show your product so they remember it, write a catchy headline informing them of a USP or use case and then list the benefits and how you can help the customer’s life. Simple!

One of the best ways to find out what the customer actually wants to hear is by reading your reviews. Take a deep dive into what happy customers are saying. Why did they buy it? Why do they love you? Then, use all that information to write copy for this type of creative. Making creative in this way is the best method to connect with your future customers because your current customers are the key to new customers.

In fact, I went over to their site, and it didn’t take me long to find someone who mentioned that they love not having to tie their shoes anymore.

Everyone needs ads like this in their account.

OYO Skincare

Before we dive into this concept - Go watch the video in full here. It is a masterpiece in ad creative.

First up, the framing of the creative - I’ve mentioned this before, but this fake tweet style is great. It helps give your video an organic feel. But I’ve not seen it used like this before. With a reply under it being used as a testimonial, very clever way to add some social proof.

But the real magic comes from the video; it’s a founder story video. But with a difference. It’s organic, and it feels real and relatable. It’s a woman speaking about a problem most females have and how she made a product to solve it. The video's setting truly feels like she’s just set down the camera and started talking. This is the type of content that the target customer will watch. It feels like she’s about to spill the tea; it fits perfectly.

This proves how important location and concept are when it comes to any type of UGC ad - Because this creative wouldn’t hit the same if she was fully clothed, had a full face of makeup and sat down holding the camera. It wouldn’t feel real; it wouldn’t fit the script and the idea behind the video. A UGC video is more than just a person filming themselves.

But also the hook. Is amazing. “This is going to sound fucking random, but I haven’t shaved my pubes in years”. Tell me that wouldn’t stop you from scrolling if you saw it on reels or stories, especially if you are their target demographic.

I reached out to the founder of OYO to get some info on how well this creative has done for them - Turns out, it’s their newest winner. A Hook rate of 50%, a CTR of almost 2% and a CPM of around $18. Fantastic results!

The entire video is just brilliant; it’s a masterclass on how to relate to your customer and speak to them in their language while still selling the product. If you still don’t get why this is so great, watch it a few more times.

Killer creative right here.

That’s all for this week’s Nice Ads - Thanks so much for reading; I’ll see you next week.

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P.S. My ad creative course is launching this month! You can get 10% off by joining the waitlist here.

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • TxtCart - Running a Shopify store? Get more sales with conversational SMS marketing. $1000 in commission credits + 14 day free trial. Install today.

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Start today & apply.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 350+ pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Become a member today

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.

  • Newsletter of the week - The Publish Press: This is my all-time favourite newsletter, I never miss an issue. For everything creator economy and internet, subscribe here.


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