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Creative idea's to test this week πŸ”₯

Include this in your ads and you'll see results

Welcome back to Nice Ads! This week we're all about video ads. I have 3 video creatives I've picked to break down - Lots to dig deep into. So let's get started.

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Magic Spoon

Magic Spoon

I wanted to share this advert with you today for one core reason - split screen. This performs SO WELL. We've been using a lot for our clients but I think this is a top example from Magic Spoon.

You show the product on one side and a person on the other - This has given us the best results. It works really well as a hook as well, people don't often see a split screen on their feed and so it grabs people right away. 100% worth a try if you are looking for a way to show your product along with a product demo.

Also, something that you might not notice right away is the colour theme in the creative. The creator is wearing the same colour as the bowl AND the packaging. Genius. Small details like this can go a long way. It pulls the viewer from their usual messy feed and gives them something nice to look at.

When making UGC ads, you must do what you can to help them stand out. With how popular UGC has become in the past 2 years, your videos can easily get lost in a sea of other similar-looking ads. Picking out minor details like clothing colour can help you stand out from the rest.

Coop Home Goods

Coop Home Goods

Trust is one of the number 1 reasons people choose one brand over another. Can I trust this brand is a question many customers ask themselves before placing their first order. So how do we get around that? How can you make your store more trustworthy via ad creative?

Well, one way is shown above by Coop Home Goods. Reviews! Boasting about how many 5-star reviews your store has is an excellent source of social proof. We trust reviews, we make decisions based on the experience of others. A store must be good if it has over 49,000 5-star reviews. Including ad creative like the above is fantastic in MOF or BOF to push that final sale for those on the fence about purchasing from you.

The actual creative is pretty simple, a couple holding the product with a really large animated caption. But it works, for this reason, they aren't fluffing things up. They don't need to. The number speaks for itself.

There are many ways you can integrate reviews into your ad creative and we've shown a few of them in past issues of Nice Ads (I suggest you go back and read them). But I've not seen one like this before - A great idea for high-SKU stores with a lot of past customers.

Sponsored by Minisocial

All top-performing DTC ads have one thing in common, they include UGC! 🎬

But most brands are unable to get UGC at scale, which is actually licensed for use across paid channels.

Enter: minisocial, a user-generated content platform that pairs brand sup with micro-influencer creatives who produce scroll-stopping UGC that you can take and plug-in across ALL your marketing channels.

Brands like Huel, Care/of, Harry's, Imperfect Foods, and Native all turn to minisocial when they need UGC-style content for their marketing channels.

minisocial's campaigns are accessibly priced (starting at $1.7k thanks to your Nice Ads discount πŸ˜‰) and as a fully-managed platform they take all the stress away and allow you to get started in only 10 minutes



I don't tend to do this, but this creative was actually here at Fraggell. This was made for our client ALOHA - It performed REALLY well for them. So I wanted to break it down for you and why it worked so well.

Let's start with the hook. "I've found the best-tasting protein bar" It's a direct call out to the target market for this product. Because if you eat protein bars then you're always on the hunt for the ones that taste the best - Since we all know they can be very hit-and-miss. This simple hook performed so well with around a 35% hook rate.

But most importantly the hold rate was also very high on this creative. Why? Because we had the creator review each bar inside the sample pack. Giving us her honest thoughts on each flavour. So you have a reason to watch! It's not just about sales, it helps you make a decision. During the video, we also call out some core USPs like the all-natural ingredients and no stevia, these USPs tested really high in past content so we wanted to include them here.

A lot of thought goes into a simple UGC video like this. This was one of 4 variations we created for ALOHA and the highest performing from the testing. Because testing isn't always about finding winners! Sometimes you learn more from the losers.

Little plug, but if you're a DTC brand looking for some ad creative to help you scale - Book a call here and mention the Nice Ads newsletter in your booking and I'll give you Β£1,000 off your first month of content πŸ”₯

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That's all for this week's newsletter! Thanks for giving it a read and I hope you've learned something. I'll see you next week πŸ‘‹

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Get 15% off today and book a call.

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Over 4000 fast-growing brands are analyzed every week. Use code 'FRAGGELL' for $100 off

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training - Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Hypefury - Your personal assistant to grow & monetize your Twitter audience. Sign up today

  • Pencil - Use AI to generate unlimited, winning ad creatives in no time at all. Sign up here.

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.


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