Gamify Your Ad Creative

Don't be shy to spice things up this week

Happy Tuesday 👋 I hope you've all had a good weekend - Lets get your Tuesday started right shall we?


I LOVE this idea. Gamifying your ad creative is something I hardly ever see. But when I do it's so great.

There aren't many ways to advertise underwear that capture attention, so you need to think outside the box and that's just what Thinx have done with this story placement. And I think that's one of the major reasons this will have performed so well for them.

Not only will people print screen just to find out what each slide says, but also to play along with the game. It's also super simple to create and could easily be done inside Canva or something similar.

The design is also very on platform with curved edges and simple fonts and emojis. Something to bear in mind when making ad creative is to speak and visually match the langue of the platform. This helps people relate to the advert on a subliminal level along with fitting nicely into the feed.


This is a beautiful advert and if you disagree you are wrong.

Not only is the photography stunning, but it's paired with great RELEVANT social proof "The clean acne oil that sold out at Sephora 5x". This matters. When you're competing with a million similar products on the market then you need something to separate yourselves inside your paid media. A statement like this is perfect.

We also get the stark contrast of blue and green that will pull you in from the standard white feed and stop that scroll.

This is such a simple and easy-to-create advert, but I bet this converted like wildfire for Meltdown. We're seeing a lot of our clients at Fraggell turn to static image ads like this and in turn, bring down CPAs - Definitely, something to try!

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In an era of signal loss in advertising, the Creative Strategist has emerged as one of the most high-impact roles in paid social. Learn the art and science behind this role to help you eliminate guesswork and improve ad results.

This guide features insights from industry leaders like Nik Sharma, Savannah Sanchez, and many others.

You'll learn how to:

  • Build a feedback loop between data and creative

  • Run effective Creative Sprint cycles with your team

  • Eliminate guesswork from your creative process

With so many marketing channels now available to advertisers, it's more important than ever before that creative departments and media buyers are in lockstep with one another. The glue that ties those functions together is the Creative Strategist.


UGC is a really powerful style of creative however to work on Facebook you need to make it pop much more than on TikTok for example.

Using techniques like split-screen and captions really helps elevate simple UGC mashup videos into something much more high value. It's still 'user generated' but more highly produced to fit into the Facebook style.

This also allows you to do much more in terms of visual identity further pushing that higher quality of production to the user.

This video, in particular, is just a montage of shots of the product being shown off and used. But when edited together with transitions and on-screen captions it becomes much more entertaining and will convert at a much higher rate.

Watch the advert in full here

That's it for this week's Nice Ads! Thanks for your time and I'll see you next week ✌

Remember you can view an archive of all the past creative from Nice Ads here.

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