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Here's how to elevate your ad creative

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 26 seconds.

Welcome back to Nice Ads! It’s another Monday and that means it’s time for another breakdown of 3 ads I loved this week - Plus some exciting news! You’ll find that out if you read on…

But let’s get this thing started.


I saw this creative last week and thought it was a great idea to elevate a static. We often try to overcomplicate short videos like this to make them feel worth running. But a lot of the time the simple stuff is the best.

1 square calling out the issues the product can fix. Another box with a USP and then the final boxes are lovely-looking studio footage. Then to show us what the product is we have a rating 3D render. Very cool.

Helps the brand and product feel high-end and trustworthy without alienating the audience. As I always say simple ads are the best ads.

If you're selling something medical it’s so important you have high-end creative like this because not everyone is going to trust a UGC video when buying something they put into their body. Trust is such a big factor in the health and wellness space you need to make sure your creative is ticking that box for the customer.


I’m sure you’ve all seen this advert from Huel before. It’s brilliant. It’s bold, eye-catching and tells you everything you need to know about the product in one image.

They even used price anchoring in the bottom left “34 meals for £1.68 per meal” That’s a bargain the scroll will think! It makes the final price tag feel a little more manageable and that’s why it’s so big and highlighted in the image. They know price complaints are a problem - So they’re addressing it from the get-go.

I also picked this advert for another reason. Because it’s in Creative OS. My software helps you design converting static ads and we have big news! All our templates are now in Canva! That’s right, we listened to what you wanted and you’ve got it. Pick a template copy it to Canva or Figma and design it in seconds. We’ve been working on making this seamless for a while and are so happy to bring it to you. If you want to give it a go, grab a free trial here and get started.


I love an aesthetically pleasing advert and the soap and bodycare niche blends itself perfectly to it. This video from Aesop is so relaxing to watch, you hear the sounds of a shower in the background while you watch lovely shots of the soap being unboxed - I could watch it on a loop.

High-production videos like this have a place in performance creative and it’s to achieve things you can’t do with UGC. A carefully crafted image like this isn’t thrown together, the lighting is sculpted the colour pallet has been chosen. All to fill the customer with desire. The video is a feeling, it’s not just an advert. Branded videos like this do a lot for your product without you even knowing. It’s setting a standard and an expectation with your customer.

I just love this video. What do you think?

That’s all for this week’s Nice Ads. Thanks for reading as always - I’ll see you next week when we do it all over again.

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Start today & apply.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 350 pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Become a member today

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Over 4000 fast-growing brands are analyzed every week. Use code 'FRAGGELL' for $100 off

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.


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