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Inside This Week's Best Ad Creative

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 11 seconds

It’s another beautiful Monday and it’s time to break down some ad creative to help you convert more customers. Let’s get started.

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I’ve never seen a hook like this before and I love it. I spend a lot of my time looking at ad creative and I ALWAYS see the same hooks, one brand does it and then everyone is at it. Annoying. That’s why trying new things in your ad account is so important, just like Chewy has with this example.

It’s a simple idea and works perfectly for pet brands. Plus it’s pretty easy to pull off, get some clear plastic, write on it, put it in front of the camera and let the dog go wild. Sorted!

But the best part about this is that the hook is the ad. Keeping it simple, not overcomplicating it with unnecessary clips - If something works, just let it work.

Ora Cacao

If you sell a product people consume then your static ads are your opportunity to make people want it. Make them drool with how tasty it looks. Displaying your packaging is great, but nothing beats your product looking great.

That’s why I picked this creative - because look at that drink. It makes me want one. It’ll do the same for your customer.

Pair that with some USP callouts and boom, you have a creative. My only issue with this advert is without any context I’m not sure what the product is. I think if we had a headline to capture attention and target it’d be 10x better. Because right now all I know is that it looks good and it’s made from cacao.

Focus on how your product looks, but don’t forget that you are talking to people who have 0 idea of who you are. So educate them!

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ALOHA (Made by me)

This creative is one that my agency Fraggell made for ALOHA - I want to share it with you because it KILLED. As for results we’re talking 60% hook rate, top-performing creative in the account and a CPA that is 60% lower than any other creative. Mental results.

But why? Well the hook speaks for itself, we’re giving them a reason to watch and counting down towards it. The same way Mr.Beast teases the end of his video at the start - To keep you watching! This hook works the same, we’re keeping the viewer by holding back the reveal.

Apart from that, the creative does a brilliant job at setting the scene and educating the customer on why they should try the product. Showing B-roll footage of the creator with her family while explaining why she loves the bars and how they fit into her lifestyle.

This is what you need in a UGC video - Make it real. You’re selling a feeling, not just a tasty bar.

That’s it for this Nice Ads, another one done! Thanks for reading and subscribing - Spread the word and I’ll see you next week.

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Start today & apply.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 350 pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Become a member today

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Over 4000 fast-growing brands are analyzed every week. Use code 'FRAGGELL' for $100 off

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.


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