Keep Your Creative Simple!

Happy Monday team Nice Ads!

Hope we’re all doing well and had a good weekend - As always I’ve prepped 3 ads to break down for you. So let’s get started.

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Thigh Society

My new phrase for 2023 is “Simple isn’t stupid”. For some reason, brands are scared to run simple ads. They think they lower the perceived value of the brand. But it’s simply not true.

Simple creatives are often the most powerful.

The product Thigh Society is selling is an Anti-Chafing short. Nothing groundbreaking and they know that. Instead, they are solving a problem that their customer has. So what better way to advertise it than by showing a model wearing and demonstrating the product while text calls out the main USPs. Nothing fancy. Just problem > Solution.

A lot of brands wouldn’t bother to run something like this - They’d feel it was too easy and simple to be an ad. But the proof is in the pudding, this creative has been running for over 50 days, proof it’s a winner.

If you do watch the full creative, you’ll notice however they have done one of my major pet peeves. They started with their logo 🤢🤢 - Please don’t do this. The first 2 seconds are VITAL for retention and targeting. People don’t care who you are unless you’re Apple. Get right into it and sell!

Keep things simple this year. Because Simple isn’t Stupid.


Let’s talk hooks. I try to avoid covering hooks here because creatives are more than just the first 3 seconds. But I thought this was worth a feature.

I’ve not seen something like the above before - Starting off with graphics and then moving into a UGC video. Great idea. But it is also a great hook - Users are used to seeing a full-screen video of some type, so we stop the scroll with the first second of text and images, then hold them when the video moves to full screen. Super smart!

It’s getting harder and harder to stop the scroll on social - So we need to think outside the box and what we can do to grab people without just click-baiting them and this is a solid idea.

It also looks super clean, the image is clear, the product is nice to look at and the zoom is nice and smooth. Could be a nice hook to try this week.

Step away from the usual and try something new.

Build a Roster of Your Perfect UGC Creators + Micro-Influencers in Minutes

Join major eCommerce brands like Clinicalskin, Bearaby, and KOS Naturals who use Insense as their 3-in-1 tool for UGC, influencer posting, and whitelisted ads.

Like me, you’ve probably tried various UGC and influencer marketing platforms, but Insense stands out for the following reasons:

  1. There’s no manual outreach, creators that match your requirements apply directly to your campaigns in minutes 

  2. You can start collaborations immediately and get UGC within 10 days

  3. Their brief templates make communication smooth and seamless

  4. With just one click, you can gain access to TikTok Spark Ads codes and Meta whitelisting connections for influencer ads.

  5. You can build a reliable roster of your preferred creators and influencers for long-term collaborations and brand ambassadorships

Book a free 1-2-1 strategy call today and get $200 for your first campaign by May 26.

P.S. As a bonus–- Insense has created the ultimate cheatsheet “How to find and choose the right creators

One Compress

Your offer is arguably one of the most important factors in how successful your ad will be. With a poor offer, people will have no real reason to click away from their busy social feeds. So you need to make it powerful! Give people a reason to leave Instagram!

This creative does just that. Answer me this - If you struggled with foot pain and you’ve tried everything and then one day you saw the words “Less foot pain or you pay nothing” would you click? Yes. Don’t lie. Because as Alex Hormozi says - “Your offer should be so good people feel stupid for saying no”.

If you have a guarantee like this and your ad creative is strong enough you will create a customer-converting machine. The ad above clearly shows what the product is - The guarantee is in a big font at the eye level of a scroller and if they need another reason to click there’s a big 50% off badge!

I know it’s not possible for every brand to run something like this - But if you take anything from this creative let it be that people love a deal and when you have one - Let people know about it! Use offer badges, bold fonts and flashy colours to shout it from the rooftops.

That’s it for Nice Ads this week! Thanks so much for taking the time to read - If you want daily tips and tricks be sure to follow me on Twitter here.

Until next week ✌️

PS. I launched another pack of templates for CreativeOS on Saturday. So if you want an extra 50 converting static ads ready for you to customise and test click here and use code NICEADS for 10% off.

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Get 10% off today and book a call.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 50 pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Use code ‘NICEADS’ for 10% off

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Over 4000 fast-growing brands are analyzed every week. Use code 'FRAGGELL' for $100 off

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training - Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Hypefury - Your personal assistant to grow & monetize your Twitter audience. Sign up today

  • Pencil - Use AI to generate unlimited, winning ad creatives in no time at all. Sign up here.

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.


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