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  • Keeping it simple can be fun!

Keeping it simple can be fun!

Don't overthink your ad creative.

Howdy 🤠 How are we all doing this week? It's time for some creative inspiration and this week we have some 🔥 They're's almost 500 of you now as well! Can you believe it?! Thanks for joining up.

Anyway - I'm Fraser and let's get this started.



Who saw it coming, crocs making a comeback! Well, they have and their ad creative is SO GOOD. This video, in particular, caught my eye for a few reasons

  • Fast cuts

  • Lots of colour

  • Dynamic movement

These 3 things are often overlooked but can be so powerful. Quick cuts grab the viewer and keep them engaged and in the TikTok generation, this is well needed. So don't be shy with those edits!

Also, colour is another great way to grab the viewer since a lot of our social feeds are black and white seeing colour on your stories or feed just makes you stand out. If your brand can get away with it this is such a fantastic and easy way to stop that scroll!

Finally, the use of movement is *chef kiss*. Throw your product in the air, pan around your camera. Do anything you can to keep the video moving. Less static the better especially when your product doesn't do anything unless interacted with. Have fun with it!



Obvi is a great brand. They test SO much ad creative weekly and this will definitely be one of the winners. But why? Good question fellow reader...

IT'S SIMPLE! I forever preach this, but keeping your creative simple is the key to high-performance ads. Don't overthink things.

The big headline is an old technic from the Facebook meme page days and it still works today. Grab the viewer with a big thumb-stopping headline then sell. "Tighten loose skin for under $1 a day" is a hell of a headline and sure to capture the attention of they're targeted demographic.

Pair that with some social proof "13,000 5-star reviews" and you leave the viewer no other option than to click. The creative is so simple yet when you break it down you can see when it would be so effective.

I interviewed the CEO of Obvi over on my podcast The DTC Deep Dive a few weeks ago - They have a great story and well worth a listen.

Sponsored by Foreplay

Every great ad starts with inspiration. Unfortunately, your ad inspiration process is a mess meaning broken links, screenshots and endlessly uploading or downloading. That’s why brands & agencies are improving their creative workflow with a little bit of Foreplay.

Ad Swipe Builder - Save ads from Facebook Ad Library & TikTok with their chrome extension. Organize ads into boards and share them with your team or clients.

Ad Briefs - Transform your Facebook Ad Library inspiration into action with the Ad Brief Generator. Fill out a simple form and let us format your winning ad brief.

Ad Discovery - 1,000s of people save ads to Foreplay every day. Access their creative eye and harness their brilliance through our community-curated discovery library.

Gravity Blanket

Gravity Blanket

I love this concept from Gravity Blanket. It's fun and trendy and definitely something anyone can implement today.

The video is made up of simple cuts paired with costume and set changes and although it seems to have been filmed professionally you could definitely do this on your phone or send the concept to a UGC creator.

The reason it works? It follows the 3 keys to a well-converting ad creative

  • Clear USPs

  • Visually engaging

  • On brand

Within the first few seconds of this video, we know who the brand is, what the product is, and why you should buy it over something similar.

Along with that as mentioned before, the ad creative is fun and grabs the customer with a TikTok-style video. Plus it's very on-brand meaning if you're being retargeted then you'll already know who it's from.

HOWEVER, this video is far from perfect. As a person who makes video ads for a living. The edits could be better. Transitions like this aren't as easy as they seem. To make them look smooth and fantastic you need to take care to NOT MOVE ANYTHING around the subject. As you can see in the video, they failed to do this - That's the reason some of the transitions seem a bit charing and not as perfect as they could be.

Nonetheless - I think this is a great concept well worthy of a Nice Ads mention!

That's it for this week's Nice Ads! Thanks so much for giving me part of your day and I'm excited to see you next week.

You can view all the creatives we chat about here on our Foreplay archive 

Remember you can follow me on Twitter for more ad creative tips and tricks. But until then - have a great week ahead 👋

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