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How to leverage advertorials
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 39 seconds

Welcome back to Nice Ads! It’s Monday and it’s time to breakdown 3 ads I found interesting this week!
But! Before we get started. I’ve teamed up with Motion to bring you a live event with myself It’s totally free. You’ll learn how my team and I create high-production ads that actually convert! You can get your ticket here. I’d love to see you there.
Anyway - Let’s get started.

BYLT Basics

I saw this creative this week and had to share it with you - I just thought it was great. It’s simple, and effective and kind of makes me want to buy one, and isn’t that what ad creative is all about?
First up, I want to mention the way they call out the SKUs you can purchase. It’s shown inside the image AND in little graphics by the headline, similar to what you’d find on the website. It’s a really smooth way to show the different SKUs.
But the main thing that caught my eye was the callout to the texture of the material - It’s clearly a core selling point for the brand and so they’ve highlighted it on the image. This could have been found out via customer research, reviews or even comments and then they’ve integrated it into their creative.
That’s why information and data like this is so powerful! Don’t waste it.


This advert is clever. So let me teach you the methods behind it.
First up - It’s a whitelisted creative, from a blog page called ‘Fertility Understood’ and the landing page for this advert is just that. A blog post reviewing the best trackers. So what’s the point? Well, the blog is clearly created by the team as Kegg (the first image shown above). And guess what tracker comes up on top? Kegg. It’s standard advertorial advertising. But super clever and easy to create yourself.
But this creative itself is so smart - It’s a standard PR style creative, but to make it stand out they’ve used videos instead of images. I always suggest this for our clients - Take a static template and add a video! Get those lower CPMs and all that extra data!
Two takeaways from this creative. Make some advertorials and use simple video GIFs to drive traffic there.


HiSmile is the king of mashup style ad creative. They use data to see what hooks and bodies draw the best results and then mash them together to make a mega-creative. I see it all the time, just look at their ad library. You’ll see the same hook at the start of different videos and then different bodies with other hooks. Genius.
A lot of them however are starting with this colour theory test, showing how when yellow is mixed with purple it goes white and if you know their product, That’s what their toothpaste does. So you can see why this style of hook does such a good job at demonstrating the product - And that’s what I wanted to you see.
How a simple product demo like this can make your product seem so much simpler and help your customer understand it. Because education leads to sales.

Annnnd thats your lot for this weeks Nice Ads. Thanks for reading and being a part of this growing community.
Remember, if you are free this week on the 28th, come along to my event with Motion - It’s free! I’ll see you there.
Nice Recommendations & Discounts
Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Get 10% off today and book a call.
CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 150 pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Use code ‘NICEADS’ for 10% off
Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.
AdBox - Discover high-performing video ads all in one place with Adbox. Over 4000 fast-growing brands are analyzed every week. Use code 'FRAGGELL' for $100 off
Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!
Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.