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  • This is one of the best ads I've seen

This is one of the best ads I've seen

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 9 seconds.

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It’s officially February and we’ve got our first Nice Ads of the month ready for you. Let’s break down another 3 ad creatives and help you convert more customers.


If you’ve been subscribed for a while then you’ll know how much I love a simple creative. And that’s the reason I picked this one out. It’s super eye-catching, and colourful and could very easily just be a static ad. Chances are this started as a static. But then they animated some text and made it a video. Two creatives for the price of one. Making creative like this is a great way to boost the volume of ads in your account without hurting the quality.

The copy in this creative is doing a lot of the work - We have a load of social proof, and we have targeting by calling out the struggles of the demographic like fine lines and redness. All in this small creative. Brilliant work.

We can all learn a lot from ads like this. From super clean and clear design to how you can show off your product in a creative way in a simple product image. Solawave have some brilliant ads in their account so make sure you give it a peak.


This ad from OYO is brilliant in so many ways. SO brilliant I actually spoke about it on my weekly video series with Charley Tichenor - You can watch that episode here and get my full review. But I’ll keep it short for a Monday morning.

Let’s start with the format - This viral news image format was posted a while ago on Twitter (X) by a good friend of mine Barry. Using a format we’re all familiar with and see on our timelines as an advert is a great way to make your creative feel organic and win the click. That’s what OYO have done here, created an advert that feels like a news post that you want to click. In fact, we have this template inside Creative OS, my software that helps you make converting static ads. Check it out 😉

But this creative wouldn’t work without the great copy they’ve written and the brilliant image chosen. First up, the copy “This made her insecurities clear up in 30 days: I feel sexier in lingerie now”. It gives the customer a timeframe that they can see results. Addresses a problem a lot of women have and also a situation that they could be thinking about now that Valentine’s Day is coming around. It’s all focused on feeling great in your own body and that’s what women want! Then we have the image, it feels organic. It’s a little blurry and looks like something anyone would take. Very smart.

Ads like this make me love performance creative. Simple, easy creative that gives big results.

AdQuick unlocks the benefits of Out Of Home (OOH) advertising in a way no one else has. Approaching the problem with eyes to performance, created for marketers and creatives with the engineering excellence you’ve come to expect for the internet.


Let’s talk hooks. Everyone wants a high hook rate. It’s the metric that lets us know how good a job we’ve done at grabbing attention and that’s what we’re all competing for. So when I saw this hook I knew I had to show it to you.

The written word hook has been killing it for our clients at Fraggell over the past few months and this example I’ve found is a good display of that.

Write out your caption in real life inside of using graphics on screen. For some reason, it works. Whether it be on a sticky note, a whiteboard or in this case a chalkboard. It grabs the attention of the customer and is a great way to test lots of different messaging quickly. Simply record 4 or 5 different things being written and glue them to the start of a UGC video. Happy days.

We’ve done this on a few of our client’s videos in all different niches and it always gets us a hook rate upwards of 25% so an easy win and that’s what we like in the ad world!

So go grab your pens and get making some hooks! I’d love to see what you create.

That’s your lot for this week! Thanks for reading and taking some time out of your busy day. Always a pleasure to have you.

If you want more tips and tricks on making better creative go follow me on Twitter (X).

I’ll see you next week ✌️

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Start today & apply.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 350 pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Become a member today

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.


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