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An Organic Idea for Ad Creative

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 42 seconds.

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Welcome to another week and another edition of Nice Ads. This week we have a mix of ads from different niches - Apparel, Lifestyle and CPG. So let’s get moving.

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Vanessa Chen

I don’t often showcase organic videos, but I couldn’t not show you this one because I think it would work so well as an advert. Can you see why? So clever! Using the outfit moving across the clothing pole to transition into another outfit.

If you're a clothing brand you need to try this out with your range of outfits. Grab yourself a UGC creator and just recreate this but use it as an ad creative.

If you were to make it though, be sure to get right into the video to grab people right away with the transition. The organic video, if you watch it in full, starts a little slow, but with some small edits this would slap.

Ads like this are becoming more and more popular. Short, simple and eye-catching creative will be massive in 2024. Scrollers don’t have much time, so give them what they need as fast as you can.

Let me know if you try this one, I’d love to see it!

Fibe Prebiotic Soda

I’m a sucker for well-designed packaging so when I saw Fibe I had to showcase their ads. This one in particular is great - It’s framed like a before and after and instantly catches your eye because, well they’re pouring something down the toilet 😂 Of course that’s going to capture your attention.

At first glance you understand the idea of the product, Fibe is better than Coke. Easy. And that’s what’s so important when designing your static creative, can a random person understand what the product is and why they should buy it - I think they’ve succeeded at this.

However, I think they’ve fallen at the ‘2024 - Also 2024’ title. I think it would have been better to jump on the New Year trend and just say 2023 on one side and 2024 on the other. New Year new me and all that. I’m left feeling a little confused with the current caption. But that’s an easy fix.

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Your ad creative should reflect your product and its customers. I’m so sick of seeing brands make ads that in no way reflect what their customer feels or wants when buying their product.

That’s why I picked this creative - It makes you feel the way the product is meant to make you feel. Relaxed. If this video had fast edits, and a pumping drum and bass soundtrack it would feel so strange for a product that’s created to help you feel chill.

So instead they’ve used a super clean location, slow-motion video and a calm editing style. It just works. You watch it and think “If I buy this maybe I’ll feel that way” It’s aspirational and that’s a key feeling you want to give your customer. It almost always leads to a purchase. The same reason gym clothing is shown on people with six packs, you buy it in the hopes it’ll make you look like that.

In this case, you buy the product hoping it’ll help relax you in the same way the actor is in the video.

A brilliant creative.

That’s all for Nice Ads this week - Thanks for reading as always and giving me some time in your day. I’ll see you next time.

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