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  • Reuse Your Ad Creative 🚀

Reuse Your Ad Creative 🚀

3 of the best ads I've seen this week!

Hey 👋 Welcome to the new and improved Nice Ads.

We've almost hit 300 subscribers on this newsletter so I thought it was time for a change. From this day forward I'll be giving you 3 ads I love each week along with a detailed breakdown of why they're so brilliant. 

If you're new here I'm Fraser and I'm the co-founder at Fraggell a UK-based e-commerce video agency. We help DTC brands scale with a minimum of 24 ads per month. 

I've been working in the video industry for 10+ years and I'd like to think I know my stuff. Anyway. That's enough about me - Let's teach you how to make better ads. creative. 


I am becoming Facebook Ad


So many reasons I love this advert and why I think it would perform so well on Facebook and IG. 

The main reason is the combo of professional footage and UGC. I speak about this on my Twitter on a regular basis but mixing professionally filmed footage and UGC reviews is a fantastic way to generate customer trust at TOF. 

We've been using this format for years and it still performs as well today as it did 2 years ago. 

Plus it's super easy to create if you already have pro footage and some UGC laying around.

View this advert in full here

Magic Mind

Magic Mind Facebook Advert

Magic Mind

This static advert from Magic Mind is so simple yet so effective. The bright yellow will definitely stop the scroll and stand out from the white (or dark) feed and that's always the aim with your ad creative. 

Pair that with a big bold offer and it's sure to convert. 

We've found that static ads are performing really well on Facebook recently due to the way we consume content on the platform changing. So it might be worth testing out some simple edits to your product photography to make some easy static ads. 

Adding a little something like graphics, reviews or buttons really helps bring down that CPC and bring up that CTR. An easy change to make but will always be worth it. 


glamnetic facebook advert


This is how you make the perfect advert without ever filming new footage. I LOVE IT. 

In order to see results in paid media post iOS14.5, you need to be testing new creative EVERY WEEK. How do you do that without spending 💰 on getting new footage filmed? Reuse your footage!!!!!

Create montage-style videos with graphic overlays and captions to generate new and exciting video creative. It's a no-brainer when you have lots of existing material to work with, we do this a lot for our clients and the videos perform surprisingly well.

However, this ad performs well on a lot of other levels;

  • The scroll stopper is fast and relevent. 

  • The product solves a problem for it's customer and is demoed in the video

  • Key objections are addressed right away

All of the above make this advert a killer converting machine. It's key that you address the problems your product solves in TOF/MOF videos.

View this advert in full here

That's it for this week's Nice Ads. Next week we'll be joined by my co-writer Alexa Kilroy so be sure to watch your inboxes on Monday! 

Speak soon ✌


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