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  • Sex Sells on Facebook and Here's Why

Sex Sells on Facebook and Here's Why

Here's some ad creative you can steal this week for free.

Hope you had a good long weekend, but it's time to head back into the office and read today's Nice ads.

This week it's all video ads. Let's get started, shall we?

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Let's talk GIFs. This short but sweet video created by Gisou is a perfect example of a simple GIF that is super effective and easy to create.

Why is it so effective? It's eye-catching! If you scrolled down your feed you'd stop right away to see this, the flickering nature of the video stops you in your tracks and the centred logo brings your attention to the brand right away.

You could very easily create this video yourself using some free software and plenty of images of your product. Just make sure on each cut you have the product in the same place.

If you view the full video you'll see this GIF is shown just after a really simple scroll stopper that introduces the product with UGC. However, I feel that this GIF alone will be enough to stop a user and gain the click.

But that's what testing is for right? Add this GIF to other videos, see what works, and scale the winner.

Lounge Underwear

Lounge Underwear

Underwear is HARD to advertise. Not only are you competing with platforms' rules on showing skin but you're also constantly trying to think up new creative ideas that aren't just a video showing a girl dancing in her knickers.

That's why I picked this video from Lounge Underwear. It's really simple but eye-catching. Using trends we're familiar with seeing on TikTok to spice up pretty boring footage. By doing that you're automatically giving people more of a reason to watch and if targeted at the right demo then they'll watch and then buy if they see something they like. Simple.

Don't overthink your advertising. The sole reason we run adverts is to peak interest to push a sale and that's all your content needs to do. Videos like this serve as a great example, the concept is simple, and it's well executed. Make a bunch of these with different lighting and models and you've cracked it!

Tired of wasted ad spend? In this new era of signal loss, creative strategy is more important than ever. Motion helps eliminate the guesswork from your creative process through super visual reports so you can focus on creating content that converts.

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Dr. Squatch

Dr. Squatch

Two things that ALWAYS sell on social. Sex and comedy. That's why Dr. Squatch is KILLING it right now. They very quickly realised that they can use these two factors to their advantage when advertising a male-oriented product and just smash it.

So why does this advert do so well? A few reasons;

  • The first is the way the content is framed. Like a meme. Right away our expectations are set, and we are expecting to be entertained in an informal way. You catch the audience off guard. Then sell.

  • The copy. It feels natural, it sounds like something your friend would post on Facebook or Twitter. Again catching the audience while they are unaware. Also the name πŸ˜‚ Fanny is just a funny word.

  • Pair that with the lady on the right rolling her eyes back in a sexual way instantly getting a male's attention. Because... sex.

Dr. Squatch has realised that most things a male does are done to attract a partner. Including smelling nice. So advertise using attractive people who are begging you to buy the product. Simple.

Creative like this is thought out and planned down to every pixel. It's smart. On the surface it might seem cheap and an easy angle but it's so much more than that.

That's your lot! Hopefully, you found this week's breakdown useful. Forward this email to a friend and share the love 😍

See you next week.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter here for more tips and tricks.

You can also view all the past ads we've covered here.

The Nice Ads Discounts Centre

Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? We can help. We help DTC brands create video ads that convert and we do it in bulk ready for testing.

Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs and produce high converting ads at scale without compromising quality.

Triple Whale - We all need good attribution and we all love whales. Accurate data, all in one place.


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