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Spice up Your Creative With These Tips

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 27 seconds.

Welcome back to Nice Ads! The best newsletter for creatives (In my opinion). I’ve got 3 ads to break down this week and one of them we made at Fraggell! So let’s get started.

Before that - Last week I went live with Motion and we chatted about all things high-production creative. If you didn’t make it live, you can watch the entire thing here.

Now, let’s get started.


This advert caught me right away when I was looking. What a great idea. I’ve honestly not seen something like this.

At Fraggell we don’t work with apparel brands. And part of the reason for that is how many different ways can you show clothes. It’s hard to be creative in that niche. But when I see ads like this it makes me excited for what people can do in the niche.

So what can we learn from it? Well first up - Be different. Think of a creative idea that’s not been done before. Because that alone will capture the attention of the feed. Away from that, think about how you can elevate a simple idea. Because when we break this down, it’s just a simple stop-motion-style video. But they’ve added some cool effects to make it stand out just that little bit more.

The extra 10% is always worth it.

ALOHA (Made by Fraggell)

Me and my team made this creative, so I’m biased. But damn I love this advert. The scroll stopper is so cool and really captures you. But if you watch the advert in full you’ll be able to see all the effort we went into this short creative.

We used a bunch of different styles - motion graphics, live video and stop motion. Mashed them all together to create the full video. Like I said above, it’s all about the extra 10% and although we could have done something easier for this concept we knew doing the little extra would make it a winner. Even if it did take over a week to create.

The idea behind the video was to show all the different SKUs that you can find inside your ALOHA sample pack and I think we smashed it. What do you think?


I’m a real lover of the Apple Note creative - I keep seeing it on my feed and every time I enjoy it. But let’s break down this one from Shortform. Why is it good?

Well the first reason for me is the points they have chosen on the list and the headline for the list “Try this to learn 10x faster”. It’s a value lead headline. You’d stop and read this without knowing it’s an advert. Pair that with great points like “Stop scrolling” and you are on your way to making a great advert.

Leading with value in your creatives is just a smart way to make content. Because the scroller wants to pay you back for the value, with hopefully a purchase.

Want to know the best part about this creative? You can make it using Creative OS my solution for DTC brands and agencies who want to create high-converting static ads. Go grab a volume and see what you can do with it.

And that’s it for this week’s Nice Ads! Thanks so much for reading. I’ll see you next week ✌️

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