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Have you started your BFCM creative?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 31 seconds

Welcome back to Nice Ads! Time for your weekly dose of ad creative strategy. Let’s get moving with the ads for this week.

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Silly George Lashes

Q4 is coming and my bet is you’ve already started to think of creatives you can make. So let me help you out with this one.

Take an image of your product or a model and then pair it with a graphic displaying what the customer can get. Easy right? But one thing the brand has done with this that I think you should also try is displaying the code in the creative. How annoying is it when a brand advertises a discount but you have to hunt for it? Very. So increase that CTR and offer the code before the landing page.

Other than that, this is just a really nice-looking creative. The image is crisp and the colours used help pull the simple graphics away from the feed. Simple but effective as I always say.


I’m seeing a new trend recently in ad creative. Short UGC videos that are around 10-12 seconds with 0 captions or subtitles. But a voice-over that sets the scene or calls out USPs.

This example of Snuggy is just that. Give it a watch and you’ll see what I mean.

I’ve not run any of these myself but from the amount of them I’m seeing my guess is they’re performing pretty well. But the best point is you can re-use your archive UGC videos to give them a try. You could even use AI voiceovers to make the audio.

People have low attention spans, so it makes sense that we make some ads that suit those types of people and without the captions, it looks super organic don’t you think?

Could be a good idea for you to try out this week.


This week I had a call with a DTC brand owner and the main problem I identified with their ads was that I had no idea how the product worked or what it was until I hit the landing page. I see this problem A LOT.

Brand owners expect scrollers to just know as much as they do - But the fact is. They know nothing. It’s your job to educate them.

That’s why I wanted to show you this advert from Pup Jet. Because it does a great job of capturing attention and then educating the viewer on the product so they can decide if it’s the right fit for them.

While I was watching it, I was already thinking of questions I had about the product. 2 seconds later they answered those questions. Meaning I could hit the landing page with 1 question - How much is it and how do I buy it?

That’s what your TOF creative should do. Educate your potential customers enough to get them to click. If they leave with more questions than they had before watching, you have done something wrong.

So next time you review a creative, ask yourself that question - Would a stranger know what this product is and what it does?

That’s it for this week’s Nice Ads - Thanks again for reading. I posted a load of videos on X this week that could help you make better creative. So go check those out if you’re in a learning mood.

Speak next week ✌️

P.S If you’re looking for another newsletter to subscribe to here’s one I’ve been reading recently 👇

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