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Tips to make your UGC perform again

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 49 seconds.

Another week, another Nice Ads. I’ve put together 3 ads that will fill you with inspiration and I’m going to break them down to tell you how you can replicate the techniques they’ve used.

Let’s get started.

By the way - Premium members of Nice Ads are getting 3 canva templates every week that they can use for static ads! Upgrade your subscription here.

Giant Hoodies

I have the inside scoop on this example because, well I made it. My agency Fraggell is responsible for this banger - So let’s break it down and why it worked.

It’s been pulling in a solid 35% hook rate since it started running and is currently in the top 3 ads in the account. So the numbers are great - But why?

It’s relatable to the target demographic. How many of you steal your partner’s clothes? A lot. So we built the entire concept around that idea. The idea is we show the target demographic and a relatable problem and situation to hook them in and then present the solution (The product). It’s a standard story structure but it works every time. A lot of the ads we make at Fraggell follow this formula and for good reason, it churns out bangers.

It also feels real, none of this super glossy UGC. She’s a mum speaking to other mums.

So when you're making your next UGC here’s what you can try and implement. Number 1 - Make it feel real, everything from the script to the locations and camera work should feel relatable. People like to hear from others like them. Number 2 - Call out your demographic on the hook! Creative is your targeting and the hook will do 90% of that targeting. So use it to grab the right people like we did with this creative.

Side note - If you do want performance creative I’d love to chat with you and see how we could help your brand - You can apply here.


Next up is a short form GIF creative from OLIPOP. These guys know how to make ads, they are fast becoming one of the USA’s most popular soda’s and that’s partly because of how hard they’ve always gone when it comes to paid media and creative.

I speak about creative like this in my new YouTube video, but GIF ads can be super powerful because of how easy they are to create. Take a well-performing static format and animate it. You can see that’s all OLIPOP has done here, they’ve taken the standard us vs them format and animated it - Adding some more content to the top and tail of it. See how easy that is? If you already have a video editor in-house or a designer who’s nimble with After Effects then you can crank out a few of these today!

You get all the benefits of video ads like lower CPMs but with the added efficiency of a static. Happy days. In fact, you can even turn one of our premium Canva templates into a GIF ad right inside Canva… Just saying.

Also - Important to note here, that the order of things is very important in content like this. Never start with an empty frame or something that doesn’t hook the scroller in - Because just like a normal video ad, you only have a matter of seconds to catch someone. So make it count!


I’m sure by now you’ve all seen Post-it-note ads. Write something on a sticky note, and slap it to your product. Take a photo and boom - ad creative. It works really well. In fact, in both video and static format, we’ve done this with a few of our clients and the results have been great. One video got a 56% hook rate with it. But I digress, I picked this one from Pilot because I think it could be something to try out this week for you. Instead of a sticky note, use a notepad - Same idea but since everyone is now using the post-it-note idea this could be a nice change.

I’m not sure about the results of this creative, but it’s been running for 45 days so it must be doing something right.

It’s just a nice easy way to take advantage of the fact people stop to read anything handwritten. Another version of this we’ve seen good results with is using a whiteboard in the hook of a video! People just love the written word apparently. Go give this one a shot and tell me how it goes.

Well that’s it, another Nice Ads done - Thanks very much for reading, if you're a premium subscriber be sure to check your emails for your templates this week. Be sure to follow me on Twitter/X for more creative tips and I’ll see you next week

P.S I just put out a new YouTube video that breakdown all the different creatives you should be making to scale on paid social. Give it a watch here


Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Start today & apply.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 350 pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Become a member today

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.

  • Newsletter of the week - Creator Spotlight is a brilliant read, interviews and news about the creator economy. Subscribe here


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