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Unveiling The Newest Static Trend

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 3 seconds

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Another week, another set of 3 ad creatives for your viewing pleasure. This week we have two very different video ads along with a new static that I think might be one to replicate this week.

Did you know we have a premium version of Nice Ads? Each week I give you 3 Canva templates based on winning ad creative for you to alter and run in your account. To celebrate 10K subs you can get 20% off your first month if you upgrade today here.

Nutra Organics

Wanted to start this week's list with a great simple creative from a Collagen brand. I’m always on the lookout for creative like this. Easy to create and easy to change around when it comes to creative testing.

But why is it a ‘Nice Ad’. The main reason is it hits all the major points that an ad creative should hit. It’s benefit-driven, putting the customer first and telling them how the product can help them and their problem. And most of all it shows the customer what they want to see. Results.

Before and after images can be so powerful in paid media, but often aren’t used because of the problems they can create inside your ad account or because the images themselves aren't good enough to persuade a viewer to purchase. So when you find a way to get around the Meta rules and get some great images from customers, it’s a perfect storm for sales!

One of the main things I love about this creative though, is the “96% of women saw visible results”. Stats like this can do wonders for your sales. Any kind of number or statistic you can use to back up your claims will help dramatically with conversions - So if you don’t have them already, do what you can to get them.

All these factors add up to the creative being a fantastic way to bring in new customers. Give it a shot yourself this week.

Mermade Hair

Static time now, I promise you right now this style above will be massive this year. So jump on it now. I’m seeing more and more statics that are based on familiar things we see every day. Tweets, Airdrops, fake iMessages, you know the deal. But I’ve not seen this before - A screenshot of an Instagram story reply.

So why does it work? Well because a lot of us will see something like this daily, so when we see it on our feed it doesn’t stand out like a sore thumb - But grabs our attention for another reason. Because it looks organic and we’re nosey and want to see what it says. So we read it and if it’s tagged well by Meta, chances are a user might tap to find out more because the offer is too good to miss out on.

I think a nice addition to this would have been a reply from the brand saying something like “Best be quick, only a week left” adding some urgency and FOMO into the mix.

Now, because I think this static will be so popular I want you to test it. So I’ve made it into a template that you can get this week inside Nice Ads Premium. So sign up and test it out!


You can have the best ads in the world, but if your product is poor and doesn’t benefit the customer then you will fail. That however isn’t a problem for this brand - Because the product is great and solves a major problem for a large volume of people. People who wear glasses. Like me. In fact, wearing sunglasses is one of the main reasons I started wearing contacts 10 years ago - I hated switching my glasses every time I went outside. So I can almost guarantee people will LOVE this product and that’s what you want in DTC, a product people see and have to buy because the problem you are fixing causes too much pain.

Go watch the full video here and then come back to read the rest of my breakdown because I think this is a masterclass in direct-response video ads.

The hook shows the problem, something people can relate to. Then the rest of the video is demoing the product along with a voice-over that is written like a friend speaking to you. Making you feel that problem and presenting the glasses as the only logical solution. It’s a typical dropshipping creative - But let’s be honest, those guys know what they're doing.

What can we learn from this creative? Well, the first should be how powerful it can be to find a problem that your customer relates to. It can truly change your business.

That’s your lot for Nice Ads this week - As always thanks so much for reading and giving me some time in your busy day.

If you think a friend might like this newsletter you can refer them using your personal link - https://www.niceads.uk/subscribe?ref=PLACEHOLDER

P.S. My ad creative course is launching this month! You can get 10% off by joining the waitlist here.

Nice Recommendations & Discounts

  • TxtCart - Running a Shopify store? Get more sales with conversational SMS marketing. $1000 in commission credits + 14 day free trial. Install today.

  • Fraggell - Need some new ad creative? Fraggell helps DTC brands create video ads that convert and do it in bulk ready for testing. Start today & apply.

  • CreativeOS - Create static ads in seconds with my 350+ pre-tested templates for DTC brands. Become a member today

  • Foreplay - Improve your creative workflow. Save ads, build briefs, and more. Claim a free trial here.

  • Conversion Rate Academy - Get more sales with proven CRO training. Use code NICEADS for 50% OFF!

  • Beehiiv - The newsletter solution created by the same team that built and scaled Morning Brew to over a million subscribers. Sign up here.

  • Newsletter of the week - The Publish Press: This is my all-time favourite newsletter, I never miss an issue. For everything creator economy and internet, subscribe here.


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